About Us
Copper Sky Farms is located in Montpelier, Virginia.
We are originally from Utah, but an amazing job opportunity relocated us Spring of 2020. We are excited to expand our puppy family base and meet many of you out here, or wherever you may be located.
Our Family consists of my husband and me & our 5 kids,
ages 17, 15, 13, 10, and 5 years.
Since starting the adventure of breeding these amazing dogs, we have enjoyed participating in many show events including Conformation, Agility, Herding and Obedience and have been very pleased with the results these wonderful dogs have received. We are a small hobby breeder, only having a few litters per year. None of our dogs are kennel dogs, they are all house trained and welcomed into the home whenever they feel they want to be inside.
I have been around many different breeds of dogs all my life and was introduced to the Australian Shepherd while attending Veterinary Technician school. I knew immediately that these were the dogs for me! Right after school I began working for a veterinarian that bred the Minis and fell even more in love with the breed. They are the most gentle and loyal dogs you will ever find. They aren't known as the "velcro dog" for nothing. We love that they can go anywhere with us and have the ability to adapt to whatever situation we put them in and are so willing to get up and work when asked to do a job and the next second be at your side happily doing nothing.
We have owned this great breed for years now and all our resident dogs are considered part of our family.
Here at the farm we also have the wonderful chance to own some beautiful horses. We barrel race locally with the horses and enjoy them as family members also. Our dogs are more than happy to head out on a trail ride or go on the rodeo road with us. The natural instinct to bond with their family is extremely high with all of our dogs and we are very happy with their abilities and skills.
--Shaela & Josh--