Past Puppy Love

(Revlon x Lasso~ "Nola")
Nola (Revlon X Lasso) joined our family in September of 2019, a five-pound ball of fur with large, intelligent eyes and a wonderful demeanor. Nola was easy to train, learning in less than a week to ring the bell on the door to go outside. She excelled at puppy obedience training, which helped to develop and establish the structure, routine and boundaries these dogs need to thrive. Even retail dog stores have terrific trainers. Nola was easy to crate-train and prefers to sleep in her crate so she can sleep upside down, a popular Aussie trait. She traveled to California with us and was so calm and easy—as long as she has her favorite chews she’s a traveler. I recommend this breed for anyone who is interested in an easy-to-train, happy, energetic and intelligent dog. We can’t wait for our second addition!
--The Harris Family of Smithfield Utah

(Justice x Busted~"Crimson")
This guy! We are so thankful for copper sky, for bringing this lil mongrel into our lives! Atlas is healthy, brilliant, wonderfully tempered, great with animals, adults, kids and even babies, and let's face it he's pretty darn handsome. He has a strong drive to work and explore, is confident in any situation and constantly exceeds our expectations for him every day.
He's really been a fantastic addition to our family! Thanks again to Shaela and Copper Sky for bringing this lil nugget into the world and to our home!
~Zinnershine Family of WA

(Salem x Lasso~"Scooby")
The day we picked Sebastian up ( still in your drive way !) What a personality, from the start he adapted to any situation ,hotel ,long car ride ,hiking in valley of fire ,to meeting three new dogs all in the dirt 2 days , and nothing phased him. First two days not dirt lol but he loves digging in dirt lol. Still in Utah not far from your house we stoped at a park so maverick and Sebastian could get to know each other before the ride. They are still best friends ...I think maverick thinks Sebastian is his. This is our THIRD Copper Sky Dog now. Thanks!
-Ken & Noel of NV

(Kayt x Blew~"Freedom")
Freedom is the best family dog we could asked for! He’s loving, loyal, serious but goofy, and protective of his humans. We’ll never get a dog from anywhere else! ~Klev Family of UT

(Salem x Jasper~ "Clove")
'O' is the best companion anyone could ask for. She's now 3 years of age . Best dog ever. Happy, friendly and loyal. She has her CGC ACT1.

(Justice x Tucker~" Balboa")
Elliot is such a lovely dog. He's growing up to be an excellent hiking companion. My hope was that he would be well behaved off-leash and without a lot of training time, he is just superb. He is joyous and interested in everything on a hike, but so good at just going about 10 yards and then coming back or turning around to check in with me and make sure he's in touch with where I am. He doesn't go off trail, even when other dogs do (although that hasn't been tested recently and he's certainly getting more confident); and he always, always comes back when I call him -- immediately and without hesitation. His recall is best on the trail; at home where he's certain, he's a little slower, but he still turns around and runs toward me like I'm the best thing that happened to him.
Elliot is friendly -- maybe a little too friendly and we're still working on that, but he doesn't bark excessively and he remembers to sit down (and then stand up and just wiggle all over with excitement) whenever someone comes over. He's comfortable around kids and adults and when we're home, he'll bring me a toy to throw for him, or just lay around somewhere so he can see me.
I couldn't have asked for a better, friendlier, more comfortable companion dog -- always ready to go play, but fine to chill out at home. Plus, he's beautiful. Thank You!
--Thompson Family, UT

(Salem x TJ~"Jingles")
"We got our pup Dutch (Jingles) in January 2015 from the Holidays
litter. We are so proud of him. He is so smart, which made it easy to teach him all we wanted him to know. Dutch loves the snow, hiking, playing, and running. He is very good with other animals and kids, even though we don’t have any. We just want to thank
Shaela for her professionalism in breeding these awesome buddies and staying true to the breed!"
--The Doan family, Greece

(Sway xBlew~ "Penalty")
You've been such a crazy bundle of love that we wouldn't trade you for anything.
-Berlin Family of UT

(Justed x Busted~"Thriller")
Here is our handsome 15 week old Mini American boy, Joey, of the Halloween litter, Justice x Busted. He is wicked smart. At eight weeks he was offering default sits for food, attention and play. Within six weeks after that he could sit on command and knows touch, leave it, down, look at me, stay, come, out, off, go to bed, and he can ring a bell (in preparation for a potty signal), loose leash walk and fetch. We are currently working on boundary training. While he has high energy, we are able to channel it to playtime with a flirt stick, puzzle dishes and challenging toys. He absolutely loves everyone and especially children which we attribute to his early socialization with Shaela’s kids at Copper Sky. He’s definitely a velcro pup, intelligent, playful, sweet and very affectionate. We hit the jackpot with this special little spirit.
--Walden Family, Australia/UT

(Kayt x Tucker~"Diamond")
We got Loki in June of 2015 and couldn't be happier with her. We were looking for a dog to be a companion to mostly my husband who has service related ptsd, but also a dog that would become a member of our little family. We told Shaela what we were looking for in a puppy as far as temperament and she recommended Loki (Diamond at the time) to us. She is very knowledgeable and so easy to work with. We can't wait to add puppy number #2 to our family!
--Shears Family, UT

(Justice x Busted~"Spirit")
Fitz Roy is the happiest dog on earth and can't get enough people time. He loves all people and animals, has been quick to learn, and is a furry ball of energy. Couldn't imagine life without without him!
--Brinson Family, UT

(Justice x Busted~"Trick")
Little Boone has been an amazing addition to our family, and he is learning so fast in his training. He follows his big brother just about everywhere, and learns more every day. We couldn't believe how fast he learned to sleep in his crate and potty outside, having raised a lot of pups, he is the most genius yet. The trainer says he is her favorite puppy to work with, she's amazed he can hold his attention for a whole hour. We know it's early in his life yet, as he's just 3 months old, but we are over the moon with Boone and his temperament. Thank you for raising happy, beautiful, brilliant pups.
--Lavenstein Family, WY

(Rookie x Rex~ "Maple" & "Cedar")
One of the best things I have ever done is to purchase puppies from a knowledgable, responsible, and caring breeder. My girls are healthy, happy, sociable, and playful. The temperament of these puppies is incredible. They are so social and love being around kids and adults alike. They are gentle, loving, and protective. They LOVE being indoors but they are equally happy being outside. They LOVE hiking. Last year they hiked with my husband and I to the very tippy top of Timp and they loved it !!!! I would recommend Copper Sky Ranch to all of my friends and family .....In fact, I am working on my parents and trying to get them to buy a puppy .....they absolutely love their grand puppies and have so much fun being around them when they are here. My mom is 87 and my dad is 83......a puppy from Copper Sky Ranch would be perfect for them.
--Hutchings Family, UT

(Journey x Rex~"Calgary")
I am a Copper Sky Ranch customer for life. My husband and I are the proud owners of Rory – a CSR Miniature Australian Shepherd who is the smartest, sweetest, most well-trained dog either of us have ever owned. We agreed that if we ever expand our furry family, it will be with another CSR-bred dog. CSR is a responsible breeder who has the veterinary training, attention to health, extensive knowledge of breed standards, the facilities and space, and (most importantly) a passion for the breed that helps set their standards for producing happy, healthy animals. If you think an Australian Shepherd is a breed that will work well within your lifestyle, Copper Sky Ranch is the place to go!
--Edwards Family, UT

(Salem x Jasper~"Lemon")
Copper Sky Aussies and owner Shaela Tate are perfect across the board!! This highly respected Australian Shepherd breeder brings great respect to the bred with her thoughtful and selective choices. As one grows wiser to the process of purchasing a dog, one learns to do their homework. Ms Tate has shown her dogs, loves and lives with her dogs. You can browse her website and various social media sites and see the open communication she keeps with her current & past clients. Her heart is attached to each puppy and remains that way. She holds firm to higher standards not found in most breeders. You'll see the pups often photographed simply for fun and being socialized on a regular basis with children involved. She also insures the safe delivery of each puppy to its new home and follows up with each owner. I was impressed when Ms Tate stepped up and purchased a bigger crate just to insure our Brie flew from Utah to Florida in safety and comfort. This breeder has become a friend and we are forever grateful we discovered her on Instagram.
--Morris Family, FL

(Revlon x Shep~"Sherlock")
I bought my very first puppy from Copper Sky Ranch and, honestly, could not be happier with my decision. Everything was handled with complete professionalism from start to finish and Shaela helped ensure that everything went as smoothly as possible. In my short time with Sherlock, he has already exceeded all of my expectations. His temperament has been outstanding and his ability to learn new things leaves me amazed on a daily basis. Simply put, I am unbelievably grateful that I have been able to add Sherlock to my life, and it’s all thanks to Copper Sky Ranch!
--Wojciechowski Family, IL

(Revlon x Shep~"Suspect")
I'm so grateful that I found Copper Sky because I now have my little Moose in my life and he has been such an amazing dog. The entire experience was awesome and I definitely plan on getting another one in the future. Thank you so much for everything you did for us we love him so much!!
--Mackie Family, UT

(Salem x Toby~"Fleece")
She has turned in to an amazing friend and companion. She is a large girl however we haven't been out this winter as much with the cold but we will both get back into it when it warms up. I love this dog. Thanks for letting her come to spend her life with me three years ago....She is getting a new sister this week and with her incredible disposition I know they will become fast friends. Thanks!
--Rhonda and "Shadee", UT

(Justice x Tucker~ "Huntington")
"We bought our first puppy from Copper Sky Ranch, and will most definitely be purchasing our next one from them. Copper Sky Ranch breeds the most pristine Aussies. They were so nice and easy to work with; Shaela was there to answer any questions we had before and after bringing our sweet Jett home. They care so much about each and everyone of their puppies, and their new homes."
-Cronk Family, UT

(Justice x Busted~"Phantom")
This is Zero at three months. Copper Sky has been amazing. All of my questions (and I have a lot) were answered right away. Even after we picked up our pup they still are there to give advice. We could have went with a breeder in our own state, but chose Copper Sky Aussies because of her professionalism, and obvious passion for Aussies.
--Lawrence Family, FL

(Salem x Boss~(Djinn")
We couldn't be happier with our boy Watson (aka Djinn). You can tell that Shaela/Copper Sky honestly cares about her dogs and the breed as a whole with all the time and work she puts into raising happy, healthy (and gorgeous!) pups. We were provided with pictures from day 1 and consistently after as our pup grew (which we loved) until the time came to pick him up. Shaela was more than willing to answer any questions we had before AND after we brought him home which shows to us her sincere interest, concern and care for her puppies even after they leave the ranch.
--Hammond Family, CA